16 February, 2013

The Waiting Heart

What a sight would it be to watch you in the morning,
When the sun is rising and birds are still chirping.

The sparkle of your eyes attracts me like crazy,
Your hair beautifully flowing as fields of daisy.

Out of the window as I gaze,
I wonder, what is brighter-the sun or your face?

Fell in love with you when I saw you the first time,
And I still wait for you as I write this rhyme.

01 February, 2013

A Walk On The Beach

On a dusky evening, we went to the beach,
Standing on sand, confronting the tides, the horizon looked out of reach.

I looked into her beautiful eyes, held her hand and started the endless walk,
Water strayed across our feet, as I was left enchanted by the sea breeze playing with her hair locks.

Her presence enriched the ambience, the sea gulls flew by, the waves danced to appreciate,
I moved ahead, turned around, making the first step, to the little world for us, that I wanted to create.

Her intoxicating eyes fall upon mine, her lips moved up to smile as if about my next step she already knew,
And we became Adam and Eve of our little world as our breaths met followed by the sound of 'I love you'.