17 October, 2013

RTI for who made Rashtrapati Bhawan as the official Indian Presidential Residence

Do you know who made Rashtrapati Bhawan the official residence of the President of India?

If you don't know, you ain't the only one- NO ONE in India does, thats what official Govt. records say as provided to me using RTI.

23 June, 2013

The Beginning

A beautiful day, a beautiful evening,

The whole day I keep wondering.

Is it just the weather or the balance of the world is changing.

Love is magical, I knew,

Your omnipresence proves it right,

Its not possible to not think of you day and night.

Looking into your hypnotic eyes, I'm taken to oblivion,

I didn't even realize when you became my addiction.

Cuteness is exuberated by your aura,

Just your presence is a huge blessing for the surrounding fauna and flora.

With you I'll go to the beach and ask the ocean,

Out of sun and moon, at horizon, which is more beautiful;

Big tides would rise, waves would flow to scold me and say,

You have the biggest beauty in your arms-you fool!!

I could have never imagined that it would be your face on which I'll see love's gleam,

But then reality is much more beautiful than the dreams.

16 February, 2013

The Waiting Heart

What a sight would it be to watch you in the morning,
When the sun is rising and birds are still chirping.

The sparkle of your eyes attracts me like crazy,
Your hair beautifully flowing as fields of daisy.

Out of the window as I gaze,
I wonder, what is brighter-the sun or your face?

Fell in love with you when I saw you the first time,
And I still wait for you as I write this rhyme.

01 February, 2013

A Walk On The Beach

On a dusky evening, we went to the beach,
Standing on sand, confronting the tides, the horizon looked out of reach.

I looked into her beautiful eyes, held her hand and started the endless walk,
Water strayed across our feet, as I was left enchanted by the sea breeze playing with her hair locks.

Her presence enriched the ambience, the sea gulls flew by, the waves danced to appreciate,
I moved ahead, turned around, making the first step, to the little world for us, that I wanted to create.

Her intoxicating eyes fall upon mine, her lips moved up to smile as if about my next step she already knew,
And we became Adam and Eve of our little world as our breaths met followed by the sound of 'I love you'.

08 January, 2013

The Eyes

I was thinking what connected me to her,
We didn't meet, we didn't talk, still my heart was getting the spur.
I was lost, engrossed in my thoughts,
holding my head with folded hands, and my eyes closed;
No booze, no drugs, yet I was in the world of doped.
Day dreaming into action, my heart and mind composing a morceau,
The enlightenment happened, and I realized it was her eyes' gravitational force.
The endless ocean of emotions lay on her eyes' other side,
I was already deeply attached to them, deeply tied.
She would speak a thousand words through them, though trying hard to hide,
Deciphering them all was for me, a moment of pride.
Big, beautiful and intoxicating were they,
Thinking of them, I could even cuddle with a bale of hay.
When her eyes connected with mine,
I wished to swim across to the horizon that I saw in them, as  it became my life's goal line.
My day was made by the twinkle of her eyes,
I'd lie on terrace at night to watch the stars imitate them, this being my night's price.
Do I miss those eyes? Were they ever real? Did we ever meet?
Juggling between reality and fiction, I still try to answer the unanswered on this glorious sheet.

11 July, 2012

Is Indian Economy 2012 going to become a sequel to 1991?

The Indian economy has been in turmoil since last year. The falling GDP of the nation, crashing stock markets and weak rupee are not helping the cause. The ratings agencies are already sounding the alarm bell. Filtch has already gone ahead with downgrading, S& P and Moody's are close to it. FDI is falling. Government is suffering from policy paralysis.
The big question that comes to the mind of every citizen of the nation is- “Is our country back to 1991?”
Those harrowing days when the Indian gold reserves were pledged to get loan from IMF. The national treasure had money just for three weeks worth of imports. We surely don't want to go back to those dark days of economic crisis. One man had stood tall during that time, who on account of his economic acumen made economic reforms to revive the national economy, ended license raj and hence unleashing the era of growth for us to become a trillion dollar economy. The man was none other than the then Finance Minister and current Prime Minister of India- Dr. Manmohan Singh. Its so ironic that the current crisis is happening under the government of his leadership.
India has come out of its image of the land of snake charmers with great difficulty after years of foreign misrule. We built our economy after years of toil and babysitting our esteemed democratic structures. No doubt these institutions have failed us- the common man, numerous times. The complex coalition government dynamics are leading to policy paralysis, we are yet to see a major economic reform from UPA-2. India Inc. is righteous in blaming the govt. policies for the disappointing results. FDI in retail is yet to see the light. Short term measures by RBI and Finance Ministry are failing. For the worse, manufacturing sector saw a negative growth. Gold has breached the Rs.30,000 mark but the demand is still constant. The money being used in importing this gold could have been used to fuel some growth viz investment. Gold is reducing the investments . Will the Indian citizens please pay attention to this? This is also one of the major reasons for downfall of the rupee.
The rising rupee will increase the cost of all the products that we import- automobiles, electronics items, computers, mobiles, tablets and the list goes on and on. The difference between our total imports and total exports is widening. Fiscal deficit is on an all time high. We are facing Eurozone crisis and our economy won't be left safe from its ripple effects. Demand for crude oil is increasing. All these factors are leaving for much to be asked on how to stabilize the rupee. Investing in India is being said dangerous by the ratings agencies. Unemployment is rising due to job cuts across all sectors. The BPO sector domination that we have boasting of, is being challenged by Indonesia and Philippines. IT industry is not having happy days either.
All this has been visible since quite a time now but the country's leaders are being ignorant. Planning commission has been busy giving just politically correct statements instead of taking steps to boost growth for the long term. The turnaround is far from here. The question is still unanswered- “Is our country back to 1991?”.

23 December, 2011

The Global Indian Citizen

'Brain Drain'-This term has come up in front of us since countless years and is considered as one of the many problems our country faces.But the question is-'Is it really that big a problem as the magnitude thats projected about it?'
We've heard innumerable stories of Indians fueling the growth of NASA,Microsoft,Google,Adobe and now the latest one being Facebook.More than half of the top 50 Venture funded startups in US have been started by Indians.An Indian doing a startup business in US created on an average 150 jobs.All these facts prove Indians are playing a major role in global economy.Given the current scenario,should we be worried with brain drain.The answer should be no.
The businesses are going global,so there should be something that enhances our nation's image worldwide for greater good.Indians working abroad have been doing this job remarkably.Would have we been called the nation of intelligent and hard working people had these Indians stayed at their homes?Would the major technology giants come to India and make Bengaluru the silicon valley of the East? Would the nation have witnessed a major growth in fields of science and technology without this considering our historical laid back attitude for infrastructure growth?
Rajat Gupta,Vinod Khosla,Shantanu Narayan,Vikram Pandit,Indra Nooyi,Sant Singh Chatwal,Luxmi Mittal,Lord Swaraj Paul,Pranav Mistri-all these names have made us proud time and again.Because of them we have been able to see a greater perspective about things.These Indians have been one of the major factors for the Increasing FDI in various sectors of our nation.Hence its time we start respecting them instead of being a harsh critic of brain drain.We have big enough pool of engineers,doctors,entrepreneurs,etc. to drive our nation's growth.