23 June, 2013

The Beginning

A beautiful day, a beautiful evening,

The whole day I keep wondering.

Is it just the weather or the balance of the world is changing.

Love is magical, I knew,

Your omnipresence proves it right,

Its not possible to not think of you day and night.

Looking into your hypnotic eyes, I'm taken to oblivion,

I didn't even realize when you became my addiction.

Cuteness is exuberated by your aura,

Just your presence is a huge blessing for the surrounding fauna and flora.

With you I'll go to the beach and ask the ocean,

Out of sun and moon, at horizon, which is more beautiful;

Big tides would rise, waves would flow to scold me and say,

You have the biggest beauty in your arms-you fool!!

I could have never imagined that it would be your face on which I'll see love's gleam,

But then reality is much more beautiful than the dreams.

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