08 December, 2011

Internet Censorship:Face the flak Mr.Sibal

How many times is Mr.Kapil Sibal,the so called esteemed Indian Union HRD, telecoms and IT minister, going to show  his immense power just to be bullied by public(whom he thinks to be stupid common people).The show can help nothing but prove his loyalty to the royals of India-Nehru- Gandhi Parivaar.
The internet giants like Facebook,Google,Yahoo and Microsoft can listen to him for the position he holds but will hardly make an effort to champion the cause he's been fighting for.After all none of them are at the mercy of Sonia Gandhi.Increased censorship will downgrade the internet performance immensely which our nation can hardly afford at this particular point.Until some days back, Julian Assange had praised India for its freedom of internet. I guess Mr.Sibal can hardly hear any praise but of Gandhi family.
Result is he prepared an action plan-How can anyone praise India without giving me or Gandhis credit,let me crack down on the thing he praised.No wonder Internet freedom stands a target today.Someone should remind Mr.Kapil Sibal that we too have voter rights.I guess vote bank is the only lure that the Congress can be lured with these days.
Was never expected this from a St.Stephen's and Harvard alumnus,nevertheless a thing like shouldn't come as a surprise from a Congress Minister's mouth!!

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